Dr Michael Santhanam-Martin, University of Melbourne, discusses skilled workforce needs in the Goulburn Valley.

A lack of  suitably skilled people to work in the perennial fruit industry in the Goulburn Valley has been reported. A study undertaken by the Agriculture Victoria in collaboration with the University of Melbourne found that solving this problem would require a range of changes, beyond identification of these skills gaps and labour shortages.  The study found it necessary to identify relevant business context and capability, entry points to jobs and career progression pathways for workers. Areas for potential industry collaboration to improve workforce development were identified.

In the study it was also found that;

  • Orchards approximately or greater than 100 ha need a level of management sitting between the owner operator and workers.
  • Employers have a strong preference for internal development, however there are not enough staff coming up through the ranks to take these middle management roles.
  • There is a need for more external recruitment of people with  specific skill sets as modern orchards increase their use of new technologies.

A Goulburn Valley, fruit industry, skilled workforce solutions taskforce has been created to work further on this issue.

This project was funded by the Innovation Seed Fund - for horticulture Development, a joint initiative between the University of Melbourne and Agriculture Victoria, pursuing innovative and high impact research projects that leverage the strengths of the two partners.