Senior Research Scientist - Invertebrate and Weed Science
Microbial Science, Pests & Diseases
Type of Research / Topics:
- Investigating the biology, behaviour and management options for the two major pests of almonds in Australia - carpophilus beetle and carob moth. This involves clarifying the relationships between these pests and crop residues that remain in orchards after harvest; assessment of orchard hygiene practices; field evaluation of improved mass-trapping systems; biological control and pheromone-based mating disruption.
- Developing the components for an integrated pest management (IPM) program for Australia’s almond industry, to support sustainable management of the suite of pests that affect almond crops.
Relevant experience:
- Thirty-two years of experience in field research and extension in integrated pest management, involving the grape, citrus and almond industries. This included management of a national citrus IPM research project, producer workshops on pest identification and management, pest diagnostics for table grape export inspections and management of a seasonal pest and disease advisory service.
- Provision of research, extension and industry development support for the organic industry, including publication of organic production manuals for the grape and citrus industries.