Production research

New blush pears are being investigated

A pear research orchard featuring the new blush pear cultivars has been developed at Agriculture Victoria, Tatura, investigating modern orchard production & management systems that aim to significantly reduce the production time of new plantings and maximise fruit yield and quality.


  • ANP-0131 (marketed as Ricō®, previously known as Deliza®),
  • ANP-0118 (marketed as Lanya®), and
  • ANP-0534.

Research focused on Production, Harvest, Post-harvest and Markets

Agriculture Victoria, Tatura, as part of the Australian National Pear Breeding Program (ANPBP), has developed new blush pear cultivars with the potential to capture new markets for fresh pears. The blush pears are commercialised by Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL).

Orchard Management

Orchard management and demonstrations

This project, AP12002 Profitable Pears: Maximising productivity and quality of new pear varieties, is funded by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources with co-investment from Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited using the apple and pear levy and funds from the Australian Government

Post harvest

Harvest and post-harvest protocols

Postharvest ripening and storage performance of new blush pears developed by Agriculture Victoria and APFIP, including ANP-0131 (marketed as Ricō®, previously known as Deliza®), ANP-0118 (Lanya®) and ANP-0534.

Blush Pear Research Series

Post Harvest Storage Management

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Blush pear economic feasibility

Comparison of red-blushed pear cultivars, grown in 'modern' orchard management systems, against European style pear varieties, grown on tradition low density systems.

In collaboration with Goulburn Valley pear growers, Agriculture Victoria researchers conducted economic assessments of the new red-blushed pear ANP-0131 (marketed as Ricō®, previously known as Deliza®) to help growers determine how to grow it most profitably.

Market research

Consumer Preference research

Appeal of ANP-0131 (marketed as Ricō®, previously known as Deliza®) and ANP-0118 (Lanya®) Pears, current and future usage, and purchase behaviour of pears.

Understanding consumer preferences that will influence pre and post-harvest decisions that produce fruit for markets and consumers across Asia

Austrade for Australian Exporters

Services, toolkits and grants for exporters

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Researchers and events

Blush Pear grower events

A series of seasonal learning and discussion events for producers highlighting research from the Blush Pear research orchard in Tatura and research from Agribiosciences, Bundoora.

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