Industry Networks
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Profitable Stonefruit Research
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Introduction to the Precision Summerfruit Orchards
Towards Precision Management in Summerfruit
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Precision crop load management in Summerfruit
DA meter IAD maturity classes: Database
Stonefruit research orchard & equipment
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Summary of field experiments & demonstration blocks
Stonefruit Field Laboratory Advisory Committee
Stonefruit canopy & crop load experiments
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Time series photos Experiments 3 to 10
Crop load and fruit position influence variability in nectarine quality
Canopy design options for stonefruit
Introduction to the canopy & cropload experiments
2021 canopy cropload results
2020 cropload management and canopy architecture results
2019 Cropload Results
2017 Cropload Results
Stonefruit rootstock experiments
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Time series videos for rootstock experiments 1 and 2
Rootstock virtual orchard tours
Introduction to Rootstock experiments
Stonefruit irrigation experiments
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Continuous detection of plant water status in high density ‘September Bright’ nectarines
Developing Growth Models for Irrigation Management Systems for Plums
UAV-borne Infrared Thermography for Plant Water Stress mapping
Irrigation experiment orchard virtual tours
Irrigation management for stonefruit
Sensing fruit and tree performance under deficit irrigation in nectarine
Introduction to irrigation experiment
Stonefruit nectarine drought recovery response to deficit irrigation
Stonefruit orchard technology
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Low-cost infrared thermography & unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for the rapid detection of plant water stress
Stonefruit artificial intelligence for irrigation
Stonefruit sundial experiments
AgTech - fruit imaging and sorting
AgTech - Mobile sensing in orchards
Assessment of portable firmness gun for stonefruit
Handheld Sensor: fruit chain quality management technology
Peach & Nectarine canopies for mechanical pruning & harvesting
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Time series videos - Demonstrations 1 - 6
Some stonefruit pruning techniques
Stonefruit integrated pest management
Stonefruit maturity & fruit quality
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DA meter IAD maturity classes: Database
Ethylene Sampling Protocols
How to use the DA meter
Understanding DA meter data using graphs
Capitalising on the Importance of Fruit Maturity through Innovation
Pre and post-harvest management of fruit maturity and quality for market access of Stonefruit
When to harvest stone fruit
Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Effects of fruit position within a tree and orchard location on fruit quality & storage disorders
Stonefruit export market research
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Increasing consumer demand for fresh stone-fruit through market research in Australia
Stone fruit value chain: a systems approach for improved consumer satisfaction
Stonefruit Methylbromide fumigation experiments for export markets
Stonefruit: Cultivar performance for export
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Can we reduce the risk of storage disorders in nectarine and peach after sea freight?
Stonefruit: Preconditioning fruit to reduce storage disorders
Stonefruit: Effect of air freight temperature on fruit quality
Using non-destructive equipment to measure stone fruit quality
Stonefruit: Predicting impacts on fruit quality
Stonefruit: Using remote loggers to monitor temperatures of export fruit
How to use monitoring technologies
Handheld Sensor: Prototype for fruit chain quality management technology
DA Software
Spray thinning for crop load management of fresh market plums
Carpophilus Beetle
Minimal impact of phytosanitary irradiation on plum quality after long-term cool storage
Stonefruit grower events
Dr Mark O’Connell
Dr Alessio Scalisi
Dr Dario Stefanelli
John Lopresti
Glenn Hale
Janine Jaeger
Dr Christine Frisina
How to navigate Virtual Tours
Dr Muneer Rehman
Blush Pear Research
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Blush pear research orchard
Blush pear economic feasibility
Pear planting systems experiments
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Time series videos: Trials A - L
Pear planting systems virtual orchard tours
Pear rootstock experiments
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Time series videos: Trials M - Z, AC - AI
Summary results - Rootstocks for blush pears
Pear irrigation experiments
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Summary results - Irrigation for young pears
Pear post-harvest ripening and storage
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Predicting Blush Pear Harvest with the DA Meter: ANP-0118 (Lanya™) pear
Predicting Blush Pear Harvest with the DA Meter: ANP-0131 (Deliza™) pear
ANP-0118 (Lanya™) Pear Storage
ANP-0131 (ANP-0131 (marketed as Ricō®) pear Storage
Blush Pear Research Series - Post Harvest Storage Management
Blush pear export market research
Irrigation budgeting and seasonal planning tool for pear growers
Intensive pear production
Fruit Bud Development
Blush pear colour development
Blush development in pears. Part 1 - light & temperature
Blush development in pears. Part 2 - orchard practices
Pear cordon tree training demonstrations
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Time series videos - Cordon Demonstrations (Trials AA & AB)
Pear tree training & pruning techniques
Intergrated Pest and Disease Management
Blush pear international research & collaboration
Dr Ian Goodwin
Dr Lexie McClymont
Kerry Stott
Maddy Peavey
John Lopresti
Blush Pear grower events
Horticulture Industry Network
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HIN members and their websites
HIN events 2024-25
HIN events 2023-24
HIN events 2022-23
HIN events 2021-22
HIN events 2020-21
HIN events 2019-20
HIN events 2018-19
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August 2018 HIN event
November 2018 HIN event
January 2019 HIN event
March 2019 HIN event
HIN event 2017-18
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September 2017 HIN event
November 2017 HIN event
March 2018 HIN event
May 2018 HIN event
HIN evaluation
Horticulture Biosecurity Network
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Overview of a response to an Emergency Plant Pest (EPP)
Emergency Plant Pest Reporting
Exotic Pests and Diseases
Toolbox for Industry Liaison Officers
Industry preparedness
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Industry emergency contact checklist
Owner reimbursement costs (ORCs)
Emergency response
On-farm Biosecurity
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Data surveillance spreedsheets
International market access
Domestic market access
External links & resources
Biosecurity acronyms
Overview of a response to an Emergency Plant Pest (EPP)
Almond Network
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Virtual orchard tour
Almond nutrient and rootstock experiments - almonds
Spur dynamics - almonds
Virtual orchard tour - Horizon 1 & 3
Higher density orchards - almonds
Almond tree training
Light interception research - almonds
Virtual orchard tours - Horizon 3
Dr Zelmari Coetzee
Cathy Taylor
Peta Faulkner
David Madge
Marica Mazza
How to navigate Virtual Tours
Table Grapes Research
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Table grape rot risk assessments at harvest
Table grape cool storage performance
Impacts on table grapes from delays between harvesting and cooling
Table grapes: Real-time temperature monitoring for sea-freight to Asia
How to use monitoring technologies
John Lopresti
Glenn Hale
Christine Frisina
Janine Jaeger
Seasonal Workforce Resource Hub
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Workforce Planning for your next harvest
Job providers
Regionally focused job providers
Job descriptions
Resources to manage workforce
Farm Safety Resources
Mental Health Resources
Migrant resources
About the growing regions across Victoria
Greater Sunraysia region
Goulburn Broken region
Greater Melbourne region
Gippsland region
Horticulture AgTech & Energy
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AgTech - fruit imaging and sorting
Energy Efficiency in Horticulture - examples from 3 businesses (webinar)
Using remote loggers to monitor temperatures of export fruit
Low-cost infrared thermography & unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for the rapid detection of plant water stress
Using non-destructive equipment to measure stone fruit quality
Rubens Handheld Sensor: fruit chain quality management technology
Cartographer for mobile sensing in orchards
Autonomous Machinery (webinar)
Smart sensing system on a platform harvester
Artificial intelligence for irrigation
Keep track of on-farm visitors, biosecurity tracking & tracing on your smartphone (webinar)
Track and capture orchard data (presentation)
Examples in energy efficiency: using technology in Horticulture (webinar)
Resilient Horticulture: Investing in Sustainable Energy On-farm (webinar)
Implementing new technologies - plus irrigation example (webinar)
Remote sensing with fixed wing & multirotor drones (webinar)
Weeder Technologies (Webinar)
On farm automation enhancing horticulture efficiency (webinar)
Current Initiatives
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Overview of a response to an Emergency Plant Pest (EPP)
Horticulture: Recovering from extreme events
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What to do after a flood
Saving crops after flooding and high rainfall (Queensland Government)
Managing crop recovery after flooding - stonefruits and almonds
Managing Crop Recovery After Flooding – Grapevines
Managing crop recovery after flooding - Potatoes
Managing Crop Recovery After Flooding - Asparagus
Risks to water logged crops
Machinery damaged after a flood
Managing avocado orchards affected by wet weather
Pests and diseases after floods
Managing pumps for floods
Flooding and waterlogging in citrus orchards (NSW DPI)
Resources on floods and flood safety
Recovering flooded soil in vegetables
Recovery from hail damage - Grapevines
Recovery from hail damage - Avocados
Recovery from hail damage - Almonds
Recovery from hail damage - Stonefruit
Recovery from fire damage in blueberry orchards
Recovery from fire damage in rubus crops
Recovery from fire damage in fruit orchards
Recovery of olive groves after fire
Options for managing fire damaged grapevines
Preparing Your Vineyard for Fire
My grapevines have been frosted - What now?
Be prepared for frost
Sunburn protection for apples
Dry season information: Apples
Dry season information: Pears
Dry season information: Stone fruit
Managing vegetable crops during long dry periods
Managing almond trees with less water
Resources and support for Growers
Bushfires in Apple Orchards
Irrigation and managing with less water (Agriculture Victoria)
Bushfire in orchards (DPIRD NSW)
Future-proofing horticulture in a changing climate
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Horticulture Field Day - Tatura SmartFarm, March 2023
Narrow orchard systems for future climates (AS22002)
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Narrow orchard systems - Apples
Expanding Your Export Options - MRLs & export markets
Building capacity in phytosanitary irradiation
Supply Chain Innovation
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Resources: Queensland research partners
Turbulent times: Weighing up air versus sea freight
Decision Aid Tools
Table grapes: Real-time temperature monitoring for sea-freight to Asia
Table grape rot risk assessments at harvest
Table grape cool storage performance
Impacts on table grapes from delays between harvesting and cooling
How to use monitoring technologies
Cherry Cool Chain Research
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Using smart trackers to monitor fresh cherry exports
New sensor technologies: measuring sugar levels in cherries
Retail marketing assessment in Vietnam
Impact of irradiation treatment on cherry quality in Vietnam
Agriculture Victoria SmartFarms
Research from the Horticulture Innovation Fund
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Australian Processing Tomato Research Council combating plant disease
Online GPS based data management module for Seed Potato Certification
Queensland Fruit Fly research in the Cobram fruit growing area
Develop a Difference of Absorption (DA) Index for 5 major canned peach varieties
Native vegetation insectariums in Horticulture
Spray thinning for crop load management of fresh market plums
Prototype for fruit chain quality management technology
Trialling calcium carbonate spray at leaf fall to increase winter chill accumulation in cherries, apples and almonds
The development and testing of an approved building concrete product using vine waste from tomato industry
Innovative solutions to manage smoke risk in the Victorian wine industry
Spray thinning for crop load management of stonefruit - nectarines, peaches and plums
New technology for improving protected plant cropping
A rapid technique for the identification of the exotic Tomato Potato Psyllid (TPP)
Adaptation in the vineyard to a water limited futures - sunscreens and water budgeting
Improving ATGA online export training and accreditation program
Development of mobile MRL electronic platform for Australian table grape growers
Establishment of a passive insect surveillance trapping system for the processing tomato and seed potato industry
DA meter software development
Establish Difference of Absorption (DA) meter protocols for the Goulburn Valley Apples, Pears and Stonefruit
NGIV develop weed control information package for management of nursery weeds
Improvement of soil water retention and aeration capacity using porous silica
Adoption pathways of hydroponic blueberries – optimised fertiliser practices and economic viability
Smoke Taint Research
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Protocols for vineyard managers to minimise smoke taint from prescribed burns
Protocols for fire managers to minimise smoke taint in wine
Research - Winter Chill and Fruit Trees
Apple and Pear production in a changing climate
XI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops
About Us
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Current networks and research connecting horticulture
Profitable Stonefruit Research
Blush Pear Research
Almond Network
Horticulture Biosecurity Network
Horticulture Industry Network
Horticulture Biosecurity Network
Table Grapes Research
Horticulture AgTech & Energy