Many pests and diseases are more active in wet, humid conditions. Where water is ponded or soils are waterlogged, humidity will be higher, adding to disease pressure. This should be factored in when considering disease control programs.

Apart from root rot issues, many fruit and leaf pests and diseases are more active in wet, humid conditions. A monitoring program should be based around identifying areas infected by pests and disease followed by a qualified and quantitative assessment of chemical control measures. Specific information on chemicals, formulation, registration, application rates and withholding periods should be provided by authorised staff at chemical outlets.
A complete list of pesticides with registrations is available from the APVMA website.


Good hygiene practices are required after flood events to prevent spread of soil and water borne diseases. The likelihood of spread is high, especially to areas downstream of the event. If produce has been flooded with off-farm water, it may have been contaminated and need to be discarded.


It will be important to maintain tree health and control diseases in order to maintain leaf cover and maximise laying down of nutrients for the following season. Trees should be monitored closely for increased presence of fungal and bacterial diseases. Remove dying or dead branches as they may become an entry point for disease organisms or insect pests.


Many producers will find it difficult to access orchards inundated by flood water and high rainfall events. Pest populations like Queensland Fruit Fly will likely increase due of the reduced ability to monitor and control these pests. This will in turn increase populations across the region and will require greater effort to manage. Chemical efficacy is likely to be reduced due to high or constant rainfall events. Follow the chemical label advice or advice from authorised staff closely to avoid offsite contamination.

Contact your local agronomist or your peak industry body

Abandoned orchards

If growers wish to partially or entirely abandon a vineyard or orchard, they need to consider the risks that pests and diseases from their property may present to surrounding producers. This responsibility also applies to a landholder who has taken over or purchased a site but doesn't want to manage the plantings for horticultural purposes due to an intention to redevelop the site.

If a producer is being affected by pests or diseases from a neighbouring neglected orchard or vineyard, the matter can be pursued by contacting the Agriculture Victoria Customer Contact Centre on 136 186 The caller will be provided with a complaint form. The information provided will determine whether the case warrants further investigation..

An inspection may be undertaken that may result in the issuing of an ‘Infested Land Notice’ using powers under the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010. This notice can require the property owner to take action to control pests or diseases.

For further information, call the Customer Contact Centre on 136 186

Further details on managing abandoned vineyards or orchards are available at Agriculture Victoria

Further details on the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010, including neglected crops, are available at Agriculture Victoria


The advice provided in this publication is intended as a source of information only. Always read the label before using any of the products mentioned. The State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.